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By Joyce M. Rosenberg
Associated Press (AP), Jan 15, 2014

NEW YORK (AP) ... The minimum wage will be debated across the country. In 2013, bills to raise the minimum wage were introduced in more than 30 states and Washington, D.C. Lawmakers in four states including California, Connecticut, New York and Rhode Island approved increases.

States where a minimum-wage hike has the best chance of approval include Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota ... according to Holly Sklar, director of the advocacy group Business for a Fair Minimum Wage. But states whose neighbors have higher minimums may be pressed to raise their wages to compete for workers.

... Company owners surveyed last year by the advocacy group Small Business Majority supported a higher minimum wage. Two-thirds wanted the wage increased from the current federal minimum with annual adjustments for inflation. Eighty-five percent said they paid their employees above the minimum.


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