By Nick McCrea
Bangor Daily News, Dec 15, 2015
BANGOR, Maine — Some members of the business community praised the city’s decision to increase the minimum wage locally, calling it an example the rest of the state should follow in order to help workers. Others interviewed Tuesday said the move overstepped local authority and could put the city at economic risk. The City Council voted 7-2 Monday night to boost the minimum wage in Bangor effective the first day of 2017, when it will jump from the statewide rate of $7.50 per hour to $8.25. The next year, the wage will increase to $9 per hour. In 2019, it will rise to $9.75, increasing in subsequent years based on the consumer price index.
“I feel great about it, I think it was the right decision,” said Zeth Lundy, who co-owns Central Street Farmhouse and Maine Cloth Diaper Co. in downtown Bangor with his wife. ...
If a statewide ballot initiative to increase Maine’s minimum wage is successful next year, Bangor’s new ordinance will be moot — replaced by a higher minimum wage that will apply across the state. ...
Jim Wellehan, president of Lamey Wellehan, which has about 100 employees working in six shoe stores across the state including one in Bangor, applauded the city’s action. ... Wellehan said it’s unfair for a business to pay someone so little that they need state support to buy food.
“You can’t eat, bring up your children and find a place to live at $7.50,” he said.
Wellehan believes businesses will be able to adapt and should seek help from the city’s economic development staff if they’re struggling. He said businesses could find ways to cut costs and save energy. ...
“Wellehan said he is one of the sponsors of the statewide ballot initiative. He said his lowest-paid employees make $12 per hour, but also can earn bonuses and other benefits.
Bangor is not alone in making the local minimum wage plunge. In September,Portland’s City Council voted to increase the minimum wage in the state’s largest city to $10.10 — making it the first municipality in the state to surpass the state’s threshold. Portland’s minimum wage takes effect in January. ...
Bangor joined about 30 cities across the nation that have enacted local minimum wage hikes, according to the National Employment Law Project. ...
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