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By John Biers, Delphine Touitou
AFP News (Agence France-Presse), Barron's, Jan 31, 2021. Also in International Business Times, Yahoo News, MSN, Raw Story, many more

When President Joe Biden unveiled a $1.9 trillion stimulus proposal earlier this month, few were surprised by the plan's hefty price tag or sweeping scope. More striking was Biden's inclusion of a measure to more than double the federal minimum wage to $15. ...

In response to written questions on whether to index local costs, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen emphasized the need for a "nationwide" wage hike "phased in over time."

Holly Sklar, the founder of activist network Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, rejected indexing the wage to regional costs.

"The minimum wage is supposed to be something that helps everyone rise," she said. "Any state can go higher."

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