By Linda Poon and Amelia Pollard
Bloomberg, Nov 9, 2022
... A slate of ballot measures pertaining to economic inequality were also presented to voters Tuesday, with many of them passing. Initiative 433 in Nebraska will bump the minimum wage of $9 per hour — one of the lowest among states — to $15 per hour, one of the highest, by 2026. The passage in a state as conservative as Nebraska, which elected three Republican representatives to Congress on Tuesday, signals that raising the minimum wage has become a bipartisan issue.
A coalition of more than 300 businesses also supported the measure. “Nebraska voters showed that raising the minimum wage is needed and popular across political lines,” said Holly Sklar, chief executive officer of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, in a statement. “Now Congress needs to get the message and raise the abysmal $7.25 federal minimum wage.” ...