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By Laura Goldman
Letter to the Editor, Bohemian, April 13, 2016

The recently passed $15 minimum wage (Debriefer, April 6) will help, not harm, small businesses and Sonoma County's economic health. For over 30 years, my husband and I have owned and operated a local business, and we pay all employees a living—not minimum—wage. Paying a living wage is more than good business; it's the right thing to do, for our staff, our community and our local economy. And when the economy thrives, so does our business. We invest in our employees and they in turn contribute to the community by spending close to home. There's a sign posted in a Sebastopol store window that says it well: "The best way to occupy Wall Street is to shop Main Street." We're honored to be a B Corporation, using our business as a force for good, and to continue being voted Best Solar Retail in Sonoma County by Bohemian readers. I'm pleased to say it's our staff who make us most proud of our accomplishments.

—Laura Goldman

Owner, Solar Works

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