By Katie Johnston
Boston Globe, Dec 26, 2018
At Salon Herdis in Northampton, the employees are getting a special New Year’s bonus: a minimum wage increase to $15 an hour, up from $11. ...
Massachusetts is one of 20 states raising its minimum wage Jan. 1. At $12, it will be the highest in the nation, along with California’s and Washington state’s. In Massachusetts, the minimum will go up gradually every year until it hits $15 in 2023. Meantime, the federal minimum, still in place in 21 states, remains at $7.25.
In Massachusetts, more than 300 businesses have publicly stated their support for the $15 minimum, as part of the Business for a Fair Minimum Wage coalition.
Some of them have already raised wages to $15 or are planning to do that well before state law requires it,including a pickle maker in Greenfield and a biopharmaceutical recruiting firm in Quincy. ...
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