By Melissa Steele
Cape Gazette, June 22, 2021
Increasing Delaware's minimum wage to $15 an hour is just a signature away from becoming law after passing the House on June 17. ...
Rehoboth Beach business owner Ryan Peters of RISE Fitness + Adventure said paying a $15 minimum wage is good business. “Employees have more pride in their work and are more invested in our company. We save money on costly turnover, and our dedicated staff keep our customers coming back,” he said in a statement released by Business for a Fair Minimum Wage.
Kristen Deptula, owner of the Canalside Inn in Rehoboth Beach, said in the same release, “Happier employees make for happier customers, and that drives our success in the hospitality industry. The economy reflects a continuous cycle of earning and spending, so when workers are making more money, they spend more, boosting our economy.”