By Seth Sandronsky
The Center Square, Jan 5, 2021. Also in Tracy Press, Mountain House Press, Patterson Irrigator, Scotts Valley Press Banner, San Lorenzo Valley Press Banner
The hourly minimum wage in California rose to $14 on Jan. 1, and will climb to $15 in 2023. Firms with 25 workers or less have an extra year to raise the minimum wage to $15. Upon the minimum wage reaching $15 for all hourly employees, there will be annual adjustments for cost of living increases. ...
Holly Sklar, CEO of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, takes a different view than [Amanda] Blackwood [CEO of the Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce].
“California's economy will get a shot in the arm with minimum wage increases to start the New Year," Sklar said in an email. "Raising the minimum wage puts money in the hands of people who most need to spend it – from paying rent to buying food, medicine, school supplies, car repairs and more. Minimum wage increases will go right back into local economies across California, helping workers and businesses get through the pandemic and economic crisis.”