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By Kate Rogers
CNBC, Dec 19, 2017

... Minimum wage

With Trump in office and a GOP-controlled Congress, there's little hope for a hike in the federal minimum wage, which has been stagnant at $7.25 an hour since 2009. ... But nonetheless, pay is rising around the country.

In [Jan] 2017, 19 states raised wages based on ballot measures and legislation from previous years, and in 2018, 18 more states will raise their wages, according to Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, an advocacy group in favor of higher pay.

"The business case for raising the minimum wage from boosting consumer demand to reducing turnover to improving customer service, improving product quality and productivity — we see small businesses around the country supporting both enacted and proposed minimum-wage increases," said Alissa Barron-Menza, vice president at Business for a Fair Minimum Wage.

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