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By Mark Koba, Senior Editor
CNBC, Nov 6, 2013

New Jersey voters overwhelming approved a ballot measure in Tuesday's off-year election to raise the state's minimum wage to $8.25 an hour on Jan. 1. Similar results are expected in Washington, where votes are still being counted on a ballot measure to increase the minimum wage for workers around Seattle-Tacoma International Airport to $15 an hour. ... Similar efforts are underway across the country, from the District of Columbia to South Dakota. ...

"Voters have given New Jersey a raise, boosting businesses and workers, and building momentum for overdue state and federal increases," said Holly Sklar, director of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, in a release Wednesday morning.

The state becomes the fourth to raise its minimum wage this year, following New York, Connecticut and California, which last month approved an increase to $10 an hour. ... 

The November 2014 could see states flooded with ballot initiatives to raise the minimum wage. Signature-gathering campaigns are underway in Massachusetts, South Dakota, Alaska and Idaho to place measures on the ballot that would raise the minimum wage. Legislative proposals are being considered in Maryland, Illinois, Minnesota, Hawaii and the District of Columbia. ...

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