By Jim Gaines
Dayton Daily News, Jan 3, 2022. Also Yahoo News, Springfield News Sun, more.
Ohio’s minimum wage jumped 50 cents on Jan. 1, rising to $9.30 an hour. That’s higher than all but one adjacent state. ... Ohio voters passed a constitutional amendment in 2006 to annually increase the minimum wage in line with inflation. ...
Twenty-one states will raised their minimum wage Jan. 1, and another four will do so later this year, according to Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, a group of business owners and managers that advocates a $15-per-hour minimum wage, saying it will be good for customers and the economy in general and therefore good for business.
More than 1,000 businesses and business groups nationwide, including 10 in Ohio, have signed the Business for a Fair Minimum Wage Statement calling for that increase. One of those is Plaine Products, based in Terrace Park, a village on the eastern edge of Hamilton County.
“As CEO of Plaine Products I support an increase in the minimum wage because I recognize that our employees, and the care they take in their jobs, whether it’s packing boxes or answering questions as part of customer service, is the reason why our company is successful,” Lindsey McCoy said via email. “As a small company, we rely on word of mouth and positive reviews, and having employees invested in our mission and ensuring our customers are happy makes that work.” ...