By Sarah Gamard
Delaware News Journal, July 19, 2021
If low-wage workers haven't got a pay boost yet, they will starting in January. Gov. John Carney signed a bill on Monday to increase Delaware's minimum wage from $9.25 to $15 an hour by 2025. ...
Some small-business owners who support a $15 minimum wage praised the new law on Monday.
In a statement with other pro-increase business owners and the organization Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, Sarah Titus, owner of the Comic Book Shop in Wilmington, said she looks forward to minimum wage increases putting "more money in people’s pockets so they can spend more at local businesses."
"When you pay higher wages, and staff feel valued and aren’t scrambling financially, they return that to you in productivity and better customer service," Titus said.
Kristen Deptula, owner of the Canalside Inn in Rehoboth Beach, said raising the minimum wage will help people and businesses recover from the pandemic.
“And more businesses will experience the positive connection between better pay, better employee retention, and better customer retention," Deptula said.