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By C. Jeffrey Aaron
Gannett papers: Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin, Ithaca Journal, Elmira Star Gazette, March 30, 2013

... Let me first say this: I don’t see anything wrong with adding extra money to the paychecks of those working for minimum wage, which in New York is $7.25 per hour. I’ve never had to support my family on those wages, but I know it’s got to be a struggle. Gas prices are high. So are food costs. And if putting a little extra something in the ol’ paycheck makes things easier then, by all means, do it. But not everybody feels that way …

But not so fast, says the Business For A Fair Minimum Wage group, which has pulled its own group of economists and studies out of the hat. “The most rigorous studies of the impact of actual minimum wage increases show they do not cause job loss – whether during periods of economic growth or during recessions,” the group says in a joint statement signed by more than 400 business owners and organizations across New York in favor of the increase.

“A higher minimum wage makes good business sense,” the statement continues. “It puts money in the hands of New Yorkers who will put it right back into local businesses, buying needed goods and services. And nothing drives business job creation more than consumer demand.”

While the pundits and legislators, labor analysts and economists — none of whom are working for minimum wage — debate the pros and cons of a higher minimum wage, two recent polls indicate that voters across the state support the concept.

Almost 80 percent of those responding to minimum wage polls by Sienna College and Quinnipiac University were in favor of a higher wage. And I’m betting there are more minimum wage earners in the voters’ polls than in the groups that prepare the academic studies ...

G. Jeffrey Aaron is the business writer for the Star-Gazette. To contact him call (607) 271-8288 of e-mail him at

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Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin

Ithaca Journal

Elmira Star Gazette

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