Herald Mail (MD), April 7, 2015
HARRISBURG, Pa. — A Pennsylvania state representative has proposed a bill to raise the state's minimum wage, but two Franklin County lawmakers are skeptical of the bill's intentions.
The bill proposed by Rep. Patty Kim, D-Dauphin, would increase the minimum wage from the current $7.25 per hour to $9 per hour 60 days after it passes, then to $10.10 per hour a year later. The bill also would include an annual cost-of-living adjustment beginning in January 2016. ...
Alissa Barron-Menza, vice president of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, testified at a hearing Thursday on the results of telephone polls her organization conducted.
Among the findings of the poll is that 61 percent of small-business owners support an increase of the federal minimum wage to $10.10, according to the organization's report.
“The minimum wage has been stuck since 2009 at $7.25 an hour, (and) just $15,080 a year for health aides, child care workers, cashiers and other minimum-wage workers.” Barron-Menza said. ...
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