By Rosie Belson
KBIA (NPR), Columbia, Nov 7, 2018
Proposition B on the Missouri ballot, which sought to raise the state's minimum wage, passed Tuesday by over 60 percent. ...
"We hope that this is enough to start destressing the lives of some of the lowest paid workers in the state," said Lew Prince, the state coordinator for the Missouri Business for a Fair Minimum Wage. ...
KBIA previously reported that 600 [now over 700] Missouri business owners and executives in publicly endorsing Missouri's Proposition B. Prince said that the wage increase had supporters from both sides of the aisle.
"People from really every age strata and every walk of life made this happen," Prince said. "And it shows that no matter what legislators and politicians do, people can put something on the ballot as citizens, as people, and decide to improve things in the state."
He called it a "really good sign for democracy."
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