By Jessica Karins
Kirksville Daily Express, Nov 2, 2018
Missouri has not raised its minimum wage since 2006, and state lawmakers have knocked down municipalities’ attempts to increase it on the local level. That could change this Nov. 6 when Proposition B goes up for a vote statewide. ...
Over 700 small business owners and executives have signed on to endorse Proposition B through an organization called Business for a Fair Minimum Wage.
[Lew] Prince, an organizer with the group, said the economic benefit of the proposition is clear. While small employers will have to pay more, so will large employers, which Prince said will keep more ... of their profits annually in the state of Missouri.
“It’s actually a pretty simple equation,” Prince said.
Prince said he tells small business owners to think about how many customers they have who are earning minimum wage and could spend more if they got a raise, compared to how many employees they pay minimum wage.
“In towns the size of Kirksville and smaller local rural towns, most employers already pay more than (minimum wage),” Prince said. ...
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