By Marie Moyer
KMIZ-TV (ABC 17), March 12, 2025
Lawyers for several business groups argued in front of the Missouri Supreme Court in an attempt to overturn Proposition A on Wednesday. ...
Supporters of Prop A include the Yellow Dog Bookshop in Columbia, Pickwick Underground Framing in Springfield and Oddly Correct Coffee and Raygun in Kansas City.
Joseph Chevalier, of Yellow Dog Bookshop, and Mike Draper, of Raygun, claim the ballot's title was clear and that these changes will help the economy by giving workers more spending power.
"I understand the concept that you can't have two totally unrelated things inside one, sure, but that's not what happened," Draper said. "If you were going to ask people, 'What are you voting to do?' they would have said, "I'm voting to raise the minimum wage.' And if you look at what happened, the minimum wage went up."
Draper added he thinks if the courts overturn the measure, it will create distrust for voters.
"Just state by state, we could agree, 'Hey, when the people vote for something, leave it in place,'" Draper said.
Chevalier said ... "I think it's good for businesses, I think if you've got if you're in a state with this higher wage, maybe some of the neighboring states with lower wages will have people moving in saying, 'Well, I can get paid more in Missouri.'"
Draper added that neighboring states like Illinois and Iowa have vastly different minimum wages at $15 per hour and $7.25 per hour, respectively, and argues that there haven't been issues in supporting businesses.
"You don't have a flood of Illinois businesses coming to Iowa to take advantage of the low minimum wage," Draper said.