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By Marie Moyer
KMIZ-TV (ABC 17), Jefferson City, October 15, 2024

A Missouri policy think tank has released a study calling out what it says are myths about a proposal to increase Missouri's minimum wage and require employers to provide paid leave. ... [The] nonprofit independent research organization, Missouri Budget Project, supports Prop A, releasing multiple studies on the positive effects of sick leave and increasing the minimum wage and even releasing an article earlier this month addressing critics' claims about the ballot measure.

Also pushing for Prop A is the group Business for a Fair Minimum Wage. The organization, similar to the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry has a growing list of over 500 businesses in support of the ballot measure. 

Attorney at Cline, Braddock & Basinger, LLC of Columbia and signer of the Business for a Fair Minimum Wage list, Jeffrey Basinger added his name because he finds that Proposition A makes sense.

"We see that corporate profits are sky high, inflation went up, health care costs are sky high, gas prices, food prices, nobody's happy with any of those," Basinger said. "The best way to help workers is to put money directly in their pocket."

Basinger also adds that he finds Prop A pretty straightforward and doesn't think a business' risk of receiving a lawsuit would increase.

"I don't think there's any concern about that, really," Basinger said. "You know, the minimum wage is automatically state law and then there's the sick leave provision and it's going to be around 5 to 7 days, that will really help families I don't think there's anything too confusing about that." ...

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