By Sam Janesch
Lancaster Online, March 16, 2016
... A few members of the Pennsylvania Working Families group and other activists rallied as part of a “statewide week of action” after Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf signed an executive order last week raising the minimum wage for state workers to $10.15. ... Among the ralliers was Lancaster Food Company CEO Charlie Crystle, whose nearly two-year-old startup has been recognized for its starting wage of $14 per hour.
Crystle said he supports the governor’s move and the push for $10.10 per hour — but that’s still too low.
“We built our model, and our expectations, around the knowledge that we made this commitment to paying people a decent wage,” Crystle said. “We’ll call it a thriving wage sometimes. It gives just a little more buffer between them and the streets than say a living wage. A living wage is scraping by.” ...