By Danielle E. Gaines
Maryland Matters, Jan 14, 2019
Lawmakers, advocates ― and even some small business owners ― gathered in Annapolis on Monday evening, vowing to push for a $15 minimum wage bill. ...
Alissa Barron-Menza, vice president of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, argued that a higher minimum wage could lead to less employee turnover and greater worker ― and, in return, customer ― satisfaction at small businesses.
“A minimum wage of $10.10 leaves many working Maryalnders without sufficient income to meet their basic needs and that’s bad for Maryland businesses. Workers are also customers. Raising the minimum wage boosts sales as workers are able to afford goods and services they could not before. And put simply, our businesses need customers with money to spend.”
She rattled off a list of some Maryland businesses that have joined the network supporting the increase: popular restaurant chains Busboys & Poets and &Pizza, local hardware stores and BA Auto Care in Columbia, whose owner Brian England spoke at the news conference. ...