By Dan Menefee
Maryland Reporter, March 7, 2017
The fight for a $15 minimum wage went before the House Economic Matters Committee on Tuesday — and not all businesses are opposed to this national push for higher pay. ...
Suzanne Nash of Mom’s Organic Market, a chain with stores in four states and D.C., said a minimum wage should be enough to support a family. “There is no reason that a person working full time shouldn’t be able to support themselves and their family, but that is what happens with the current state minimum wage.”
Brian England, president of British American Auto Care in Columbia, said a gradual increase to the minimum wage would have a positive effect on businesses by putting money in the pockets of consumers.
“Raising the minimum wage helps businesses and the economy by putting more money in the hands of those most likely to spend it,” he told the committee on behalf of Business for [a] Fair Minimum Wage.
He said he’s had customers forced to choose between replacing a battery or replacing bald tires.
England also said a higher minimum wage would reduce the reliance on public assistance. He said public assistance has amounted to a government subsidy for employers “who pay poverty wages.” ...