By John Finnerty
Meadville Tribune (PA), Feb 22, 2015
... Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia now have minimum wages above the federal level, including all of Pennsylvania’s neighbors. Pennsylvania’s minimum wage is currently tied to the federal rate, which has not changed since 2009. ...
Supporters of a higher minimum wage say larger payroll costs are mitigated in the long run. Better paid workers are more productive and less apt to change jobs, which lowers training costs, said Alissa Barron-Menza, vice president of the Business for a Fair Minimum Wage campaign.
Barron-Menza’s group released data that show 61 percent of small business owners support an increase in the federal minimum wage.
The fact that dozens of other states have acted before the federal government affirms broad support for boosting the pay for the lowest paid workers, she said.
One of the more compelling arguments, she said, is that a higher minimum wage levels the playing field. She noted that while most employers pay better than minimum wage, some businesses exploit the law by offering cheap pay and forcing employees onto welfare programs to cover basic needs.
Proponents also say putting money in workers’ pockets boosts consumer spending and helps the economy. ...