By Taya White
Columbia Missourian, Nov 7, 2018
The response from several small businesses in Columbia to an increase in the state’s minimum wage was largely positive Wednesday. ...
“I’m strongly in favor of Prop B,” said Joe Chevalier, who owns Yellow Dog Bookshop on Ninth Street. “I already pay my employees above minimum wage.” ...
Out of 10 businesses contacted, only two said they were not in favor of the wage increase. ...
Downtown business owners and employees recognized the ripple effect of the wage increase on the Missouri economy.
“People making minimum wage, they’re not going to stock it in an overseas account, they’re going to spend it,” Chevalier said. “This increase will come back to the community with more people spending money. It will be fairly easy for most businesses to plan for it and how they will make it work.”
“I support it. More money for people to spend,” said Aaron Brown, who works at 44 Canteen on North Ninth Street.
Businesses also noted the impact on employee retention.
“For small businesses, a lot already pay above minimum wage. Employee retention is important and being able to pay employees more makes them stay longer,” said Christina Kelley, owner of Makes Scents on Ninth Street. ...
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