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Press Release, Feb 26, 2014

Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, Assistant Democratic Leader James Clyburn, and Members of Congress held a press event today to announce a discharge petition on the minimum wage.  Leader Pelosi and House Democratic Members were joined by business owners and advocates who called on Congress to pass H.R. 1010, the Fair Minimum Wage Act, and #RaiseTheWage to $10.10 for millions of Americans.  Below are the Leader’s remarks:

“On behalf of my colleagues behind me and across the aisle here, I want to thank our special guests [business owners] Jon Cooper and Carmen Ortiz Larsen ... for their very exceptional presentations today. [Applause]

“With their professionalism, with their success, they have told us very clearly what productivity means to the success of a business, what respect to the worker means to the business, what longevity of service means to the success of a business.  Carmen has also told us what not paying a decent wage means to a family. There are many other friends behind us – special guests – and we welcome all of you.  Thank you for joining us. ...

“So here we are: the stories of these businesses, the commitment of our Members.  The future of our workers depends on us to now raise the minimum wage.  All we need is a vote.  President Lincoln said: ‘Public sentiment is everything.’  The sentiment is there.  Over 70 percent of the American people, as Steny said, Democrats, Republicans, Independents all support this. 

“Just think of this: it increases wages for nearly 25 million people – a raise for nearly 25 million people.  It lifts over one million people out of poverty.  It empowers women because, again, more than 60 percent of people making the minimum wage are women.  More money in the pockets of consumers, more demand for our small businesses, more security, progress, and prosperity for the middle class. ...

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