By Christian M. Wade, Statehouse Reporter
Salem News/North of Boston Media Group, Dec 31, 2018. Also in Eagle Tribune, Gloucester Daily Times, more
Wages will be rising for hundreds of thousands of low-skilled workers in Massachusetts in the New Year, with the first of five annual increases bumping up the state's minimum wage to $12 per hour beginning Tuesday. ... This year's increase is the first of several annual hikes that will bring the state's wage floor up to $15 per hour by 2023. ...
Still, some business groups say hiking the minimum wage is not only the right thing to do, it also makes economic sense.
"It leads to more spending at every level, from purchases of food and school supplies, to rent and car repairs, to the occasional meal out with the family," said Holly Sklar, CEO of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, a national advocacy group. "Minimum wage increases also pay off for businesses in lower employee turnover, reduced hiring and training costs, lower error rates, increased productivity and better customer service.” ...
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