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Owners of Brothers Printing and Synergistic Systems Explain Their Support for Raising the Minimum Wage, Call on Their Competitors to do the Same; Northeast Ohio Workers Would Benefit from Bill, Which Would Raise Minimum Wage to $10.10 an Hour in Three Steps and Provide First Raise for Tipped Workers in 20 Years

Press Release from Sen. Sherrod Brown, March 27, 2013

CLEVELAND, OH – U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) held a press conference today at Brothers Printing to call for passage of the Fair Minimum Wage Act, legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour in three steps and provide the first minimum wage increase to tipped employees in more than 20 years. 

“Northeast Ohio citizens work hard, play by the rules, and should be able to take care of their families. But too many Ohioans are working harder than ever – and barely getting by,” said Brown. “Working full-time in a minimum wage job in Ohio pays about $16,000 per year – which isn’t much to live on when you’re trying to put food on the table, fill your gas tanks, send your children to school, and provide a safe place for them to live. Ensuring a fair wage is good for middle class families and good for our economy.”

Brown was joined by Brothers Printing owner Jay Kaufman, of Cleveland, and Synergistic Systems owner Carlynn Canny, of Willoughby Hills, who explained their reasons for supporting an increase in the Federal minimum wage and called on their competitors to do the same.

“I strongly support raising the minimum wage as proposed,” said Canny. “As a business owner, the value of my company is the work force. Having a strong minimum wage helps everyone, as workers feel better about the company and about their jobs and spend more and contribute to a robust economy. Every person who works hard should earn at least a living wage. In the end, it also costs all of us less, and it is the right thing to do.” 

Also joining Brown was Chris Barksdale, a former social worker, who told his story and recalled the stories of countless others who struggled to survive and support their families on the minimum wage.

“Conscientious people know it is impossible to live on less than $10 an hour in today’s society,” Barksdale said.

Brown is the cosponsor of the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013, legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage. It would raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour from its current $7.25—in three steps of 95 cents—then provide for automatic annual increases linked to changes in the cost of living. The bill would also gradually raise the minimum wage for tipped workers—which currently stands at just $2.13 an hour—for the first time in more than 20 years, to 70 percent of the regular minimum wage.

The minimum wage has lost more than 30 percent of its buying power since its peak in 1968. If the minimum wage had kept up with inflation since 1968, it would be worth approximately $10.56 per hour today. 

More than 30 million American workers would get a raise under Brown’s bill. Eighteen million children (23 percent of American children) have parents who will get a raise.

The minimum wage today pays only $15,000 per year, which is $3,000 below the poverty level for a family of three. The Fair Minimum Wage Act would boost the minimum wage to $21,000, lifting families above the poverty line.

Increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour will increase GDP by nearly $33 billion over the course of three years as workers spend their raises in their local businesses and communities.  This economic activity will generate 140,000 new jobs over the course of three years.

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