By Ray Scherer
St. Joseph News Press (MO), Aug 3, 2018
Two Downtown businesses are among those already staking out their positions in support of a minimum wage hike that will be placed before Missouri voters this fall. ...
Proponents hail the idea as necessary to aid small businesses and families. A small number of St. Joseph businesses have signed on as members of Business For a Fair Minimum Wage ...
Dana Massin, owner of Manic Snail, is among those on the list in favor of raising the wage.
“As a local business owner, with a basic understanding of the issue, it puts more money in people’s pockets,” she said Friday.
Massin added that approval would affect her business’s future by ensuring employees can focus on their tasks without being concerned over responsibilities for second or even third jobs. She said the measure also would improve her customer base and loyalty to the shop.
Andrew Montee, co-owner of Mokaska, said his business relies on the efforts of four employees who are 21 to 30 years old. He said he believes in fair treatment and ethical benefits.
“They’re long-term,” he said of the staff. “We’re definitely strong supporters of progressive economic policies.”
Like Massin, he contends that a higher minimum wage would inject more spending money into the economy.
“That helps everybody,” he added. ...
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