St. Louis American, Editorial, Sept 6, 2018
In Missouri – a state where Donald Trump garnered more than a half-million more votes than Hillary Clinton two years ago – a Republican challenger to U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) who already has won a statewide election should stand a very good chance of picking up a Senate seat for the party of Trump this fall. But, fortunately for Democrats – and anyone who values affordable health care and a living wage – McCaskill’s challenger, Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley, is completely on the wrong side of at least two major campaign issues. And one of them – a more livable minimum wage – will be on the ballot with McCaskill and Hawley on November 6.
Proposition B on the ballot statewide on November 6 would raise the state’s minimum wage incrementally to $12 by 2023. The initiative would increase Missouri’s minimum wage from its current rate of $7.85 an hour to $8.60 next year, and then increase it gradually each year until it reaches $12 an hour in 2023. “The increase to $12 phases in gradually, giving low-paying businesses time to adjust and experience the benefits of a rising minimum wage – such as increased consumer spending, cost savings from lower employee turnover, increased productivity, and happier customers,” said Pam Hausner, owner of Big Vision Design in Kansas City and business campaign manager for Missouri Business for a Fair Minimum Wage. ...
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