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St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial, Oct 22, 2018

PHOTO: Isaac McMurry and Mackenzie MacAfee work in the back to prepare food at Pizza Head in Tower Grove East on Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018. Pizza Head owner, Scott Sandler, pays both McMurry and MacAfee well above the minimum wage and supports raising it.

The time has come for Missouri employers to get off the dime and start sharing their dollars. Minimum-wage workers are being forced to accept a pay scale that doesn’t come close to livable by today’s standards.

On Nov. 6, Missourians should vote yes on state ballot Proposition B, which would gradually raise the minimum wage by annual increments of 85 cents per hour, reaching $12 an hour in 2023. Don’t believe the opponents’ scare tactics about the damage Prop B might do to the job market. Putting extra money in people’s pockets is the fastest way to boost the economy. It also could increase state and local tax revenue by $214 million. ...

Missourians should send a strong message to Congress and the statehouse that paying a living wage isn’t a Republican or a Democrat thing. It’s a survival thing.

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