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By Tom Troy
Toledo Blade, April 30, 2014

Local advocates of raising the federal minimum wage brought their bus tour to Toledo on Tuesday to press Congress to pass a three-year increase to $10.10 per hour. Several local speakers, including two South Toledo business owners, advocated for the rise as the way to help people out of poverty and motivate workers, and to spin off and benefit the economy. ...

Dave Schultz, president of Keystone Press Inc. on Broadway, said his family business has 10 employees and all are paid more than the minimum wage.

“If they’re worried about how they’re going to pay for groceries, what they’re going to do for health care, they’re not going to give you a good day’s work. If you pay them a fair wage, they’re going to give you 100 percent, sometimes 150 percent,” Mr. Schultz said. ...

Also speaking were state Rep. Teresa Fedor (D., Toledo), Nerd Life computer store owner Tom Brennan, and Maureen Wilcheck, a Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority bus driver.

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