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Op-Ed By David Bolotsky
Triple Pundit, Policy Points, Nov 12, 2013

... We employ hundreds of entry-level customer service and warehouse workers at Uncommon Goods. And I’m in favor of government making it mandatory for businesses like mine to pay them a wage they can live on.  Unfortunately, today’s $7.25 minimum wage is worth a third less than the minimum wage of 1968 – 45 years ago.

As a business owner, I have to deal with annual price increases in rent, utility bills and supplies. Our workers also face higher costs for their necessities, and should see their wages rise to keep pace with these increases.

Yes, I’ve heard the arguments against raising the minimum wage, but it turns out that they’re more myth than fact ...

What I’m proposing is that businesses nationwide join me in supporting fairness, logic and, frankly, self-interest, by signing this petition in favor of raising the minimum wage to keep pace with the cost of living. It will drive consumer demand, help our economy, increase worker loyalty, and reduce the corporate welfare going to minimum wage employers. ... 

David Bolotsky, founder and CEO of UncommonGoods, an online and catalog retail business based in Brooklyn, NY.

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Copyright 2013 David Bolotsky