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By Robert Lang
WBAL News, May 5, 2014

Governor Martin O'Malley today signs the bill to boost the minimum wage.

The bill will increase the minimum wage gradually to $10.10-an-hour by July, 2018. ... Under the legislation, the minimum wage would increase from $7.25 to $8.25-an-hour in January.  Its would increase to $8.75-an hour, in July, 2015, $9.25-an hour in July, 2016, and $9.75-an-hour in July, 2017. ...

There are a group of business owners who supported the legislation that are also expected to attend the ceremony. ...

The House of Delegates first approved this bill on March 7, by a vote of 89-46.

The Senate approved a revised version of the bill on April 5, by a vote of 34-13.

The House gave final approval to the bill on April 7, by a vote of 87-47. ...

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