By DJ McAneny
WDEL, July 19, 2021
... The bill's primary sponsor, Sen. Jack Walsh, said ... the talking point that the increase will cost jobs is "simply not true..." "The reason is simple: putting more money in people's pockets means more bills getting paid, and more money going into cash registers, which results in a better economy for all of us," ...
The bill did have the support of small businesses across Delaware, some of whom were on hand Monday for the signing.
"When you pay higher wages, and staff feel valued and aren’t scrambling financially, they return that to you in productivity and better customer service," said Wilmington's The Comic Book Shop owner Sarah Titus. "I look forward to minimum wage increases putting more money in people’s pockets so they can spend more at local businesses.”
And right now is more important than ever to make sure employees are financially secure.
"As we recover from the pandemic, a decent minimum wage has never been more important," said Ryan Peters, owner of RISE Fitness + Adventure in Rehoboth Beach. "People need jobs that pay enough to live on. Businesses need customers who can afford what we’re offering. Raising Delaware's minimum wage will strengthen our state’s workforce and businesses." ...