By Mark Fowser
WGMD, Delmarva, March 8, 2021
Supporters of a movement to increase Delaware’s minimum wage spoke as one Monday in favor of raising it to $15 an hour within a few years, and to dispel messages against it they say are not true.
Senator Jack Walsh (D- Stanton) has submitted a bill that would increase the minimum wage from its current level of $9.25 to ... $15 per hour in 2025.
Represented Monday were the United Food & Commercial Workers Local 27, SEIU 32BJ, Delaware Working Families Party, and Business for a Fair Minimum Wage. ...
Courtney Sunborn, owner of Ecolistic Cleaning based in Lewes, said the business makes it a principle to pay living wages. Ecolistic plans to implement a starting wage of $15 sometime this year.
“For us, by paying livable wages we’ve seen that it increases both employee commitment and reliability, but it also decreases turnover,” Sunborn said. “Turnover, for me, has proven to be so expensive.”
Sunborn said clients also appreciate seeing the same people month after month, or year after year. ...