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Lancaster Online: Charlie Crystle: Poverty-wage employers place burden on employees, society

Op-Ed By Charlie Crystle
Lancaster Online/LNP, March 13, 2016

Monday was an important day for Pennsylvania: Gov. Tom Wolf signed an executive order raising the minimum wage for state workers and state contractors’ workers to $10.15 per hour from $7.35 per hour. I was honored to attend the signing ceremony on behalf of thousands of business owners who believe employers should not pay poverty wages.

The move will improve the lives of 435 state employees immediately and substantially, as well as the employees of state contractors who get new state contracts. Unfortunately the order does not apply...

HR Dive: Minimum wage battle between states, cities gaining momentum

By Tom Starner
HR Dive, March 9, 2016 

... The battle over minimum wages pitting states against local municipalities has happened before, CBS reports. But then the federal Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007 mandated setting hourly pay at $7.25 as of July 2009, and that remains today's mandated federal minimum wage.

"It's the revitalization of a trend. During that period when minimum wage was really stuck up to 2007, there was a big growth in living-wage ordinances," Holly Sklar, CEO of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage, a national network of companies that advocates for a minimum wage that's indexed to the...

CBS News: States rush to block local efforts to hike minimum pay

By Kate Gibson
CBS Money Watch, March 8, 2016

... With federal efforts to increase pay for the lowest earners stalled by Republican opposition, a slew of states, cities and towns across the country have hiked the local base pay on their own. But other states are doing the opposite, in some cases passing laws prohibiting cities and towns from changing workers' pay and benefits on their own. ... Utah and Alabama are the latest examples of states either defeating measures to increase minimum pay or overriding local efforts to hike pay.

The push to raise...

CBS Philly: Gov. Wolf Takes Argument For Minimum Wage Hike For All Pennsylvanians On The Road

By Jim Melwert
CBS Philly, March 8, 2016

BRYN MAWR, Pa., (CBS) —  One day after singing an executive order raising the minimum wage of about 450 state workers and [employees of state] contractors, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf stopped at a Bryn Mawr organic market, to urge support for a minimum wage hike for all workers in Pennsylvania.

General manager of MOM’s Organic Market  Gordon Schoff says, in 2014, MOM’s raised their minimum wage in all their stores to $11, calling it an investment that, he says, has paid for itself.

“In improved store moral, increased productivity, improved...

Lehigh Valley Business: Gov. Wolf: state employees will be affected by $10.15 minimum wage

By Jason Scott
Lehigh Valley Business, March 8, 2016

... Wolf continues to push for legislation to expand the minimum wage across the entire commonwealth. An estimated 1.2 million people would be impacted, according to the governor. ... Wolf was joined at the news conference by several lawmakers, including Rep. Patty Kim (D-Dauphin), the lead sponsor of a bill to increase the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

John Traynor, owner of the Harrisburg Midtown Arts Center, and Charlie Crystle, co-founder and CEO of The Lancaster Food Co., also were in attendance to support the governor's call for statewide action...

Albany Times Union: Keith Mestrich: Empower Workers With Higher Pay

Op-Ed By Keith Mestrich, President & CEO of Amalgamated Bank
Albany Times Union, March 7, 2016

Right now, despite many bank CEOs making tens of millions of dollars each year, the average bank teller makes just $25,800. Here in New York, 39 percent of bank tellers are forced to rely on public assistance programs just to make ends meet. This is morally wrong, yes, but it’s also just bad business.

In a few short generations, the wage gap between the average CEO and the average worker has increased significantly, making it harder and harder for working people to join...

Penn Live: Working for state government agencies now pays $1.90 an hour more for minimum wage workers

By Jan Murphy
Penn Live/ThePatriot News, March 7, 2016

More than 450 state government workers – including part-time clerks, tax season typists, custodians among others  – received a pay hike on Monday as a result of an executive order signed by Gov. Tom Wolf. The directive raised the minimum wage to $10.15 an hour for employees under the governor's jurisdiction, effective immediately. Starting July 1, it also extends the order to employees of certain organizations that negotiate contracts with the commonwealth. ... He urged the Legislature to follow up this executive order by passing legislation that would make the $10.15 an hour minimum...

Central Penn Business Journal: State employees will be affected by $10.15 minimum wage

By Jason Scott
Central Penn Business Journal, March 7, 2016

About 450 of the commonwealth's 79,000 employees make the minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. An executive order signed today by Gov. Tom Wolf will raise the pay for those workers at a cost of about $1.6 million. ... The governor said the move will boost morale, improve productivity and reduce training costs associated with turnover.

The executive order also covers employees of organizations that negotiate state contracts or that lease property to the commonwealth. Those employees that perform direct services to the commonwealth or spend at least 20 percent of their...

Philly Voice: Critics: Wolf's minimum wage raise for state employees 'symbolic gesture'

By Daniel Craig
Philly Voice, March 7, 2016

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf signed an executive order Monday to raise the minimum wage for state employees from $7.25 to $10.15 ... He also calls on legislators to help him implement a similar raise for all employees in Pennsylvania, something he said would help 1.2 million workers. ... Media reports have noted that the Republican-controlled legislature has shown no indication it is willing to increase the minimum wage for all state residents.

Wolf's announcement includes a quote from John Traynor, the owner of the Harrisburg Midtown Arts Center, who supports increasing the minimum wage for...

Finger Lakes Daily News: Cuomo Gains Business Support for $15 Minimum Wage

By Fred von Wiegen
Finger Lakes Daily News, March 3, 2016

Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced that more than 85 New York businesses [and business organizations] have endorsed his proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15. The businesses comprise small and large companies from all across the state. They agree with Cuomo's argument that the higher wage will raise the standard of living and result in economic growth. ...

Cuomo says employers who pay their workers the minimum wage are actually being subsidized by taxpayers to the tune of about $7000 in public assistance...

Denver Business Journal: Ballot initiatives would hike Colorado's minimum wage

By Ed Sealover
Denver Business Journal, Feb 18, 2016

Business leaders shot down several attempts at the Legislature last year to raise Colorado’s minimum wage. ... Colorado Families for a Fair Wage — a newly formed group that organizers say is composed of low-wage workers and small-business owners — filed two proposed constitutional amendments with the Secretary of State’s office on Thursday that would raise workers’ minimum hourly pay to $12 over the next four years.

Both would bump the state minimum wage, now $8.31 an hour, to $9.30 at the start of 2017 and then increase...

CBS4 News: New Push On To Raise Colorado’s Minimum Wage To $12 An Hour By 2020

By Matt Kroschel
CBS4 News (Denver), Feb 18, 2016


DENVER (CBS4) – Supporters of a push to increase the minimum wage statewide say $12 by 2020 is not unreasonable. ...

[S]upporters like Richard Correa, who owns an insurance agency in Colorado, says he supports the effort because he thinks it's just the right thing to do.

“This is a no-brainer, we should be helping our workers to be able to take care of their families and with the cost of living increases, this needs to happen,” Correa said.

A group called Colorado Families for a Fair Wage...

Daily Sentinel (CO): New ballot measure proposes $12 an hour minimum wage

By Charles Ashby
The Daily Sentinel (Grand Junction, CO), Feb 18, 2016

A group that wants to raise the state’s minimum wage filed a proposed ballot measure with the state Thursday to do just that. The group, which called itself Colorado Families for a Fair Wage, filed two proposed citizen’s initiatives that call for raising the state’s minimum wage to $12 an hour by 2020. The current minimum wage is $8.31.

“Raising the minimum wage makes good business sense,” Richard Correa, owner of Correa Insurance Agency on the Front Range, said in a news release. “Workers will...

Durango Herald: Ballot proposal filed to raise Colorado minimum wage

By Peter Marcus
Durango Herald, Feb 18, 2016

DENVER – A ballot proposal to raise the minimum wage in Colorado was filed on Thursday. The effort comes just a day after Republicans in the state Legislature blocked an effort to allow local governments to raise wages in their counties. ...

Colorado Families for a Fair Wage has proposed gradually increasing the state minimum wage to $12 an hour by 2020. ... Full-time workers make $8.31 an hour under the state’s minimum wage, about $17,000 per year. Proponents say the wage has not kept up with cost-of-living increases. ...
