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Albany Times Union: David Bolotsky, Yearly minimum wage hikes help everyone

Op-Ed By David Bolotsky
Albany Times Union, Jan 21, 2013

Gov. Andrew Cuomo has demonstrated his commitment to a sustainable economic recovery in New York by calling for an increase in the state minimum wage, from an inadequate rate of $7.25 per hour to $8.75. New York's minimum wage has not changed since 2007, and the governor's leadership will hopefully break the political gridlock.

As a business owner, my greatest hope is that the governor and the Legislature decide to index the minimum wage to rise automatically with the cost of living each year. This...

HR and Employment Law News: Pennsylvania senator seeks to raise minimum wage

HR and Employment Law News, Jan 17, 2013

Pennsylvania Senator Christine Tartaglione recently announced plans to reintroduce legislation, formerly S.B. 235 of 2011–2012, which would provide for a cost-of-living adjustment to Pennsylvania’s minimum wage law.

“For several decades, wages of low and middle income workers have remained fairly stagnant, while wages of the highest paid workers have increased steadily,” Senator Tartaglione said in a written statement. …

Ten states have set their minimum wages to increase automatically based on inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index or other cost-of-living factor. Those states include Arizona...

Huffington Post: Jeff Furman, Minimum Wage Hike a Key Ingredient for Economic Recovery in New York

Op-Ed by Jeff Furman
Chair of the Board of Directors, Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc
Huffington Post, Jan. 10, 2013

With working families in New York still struggling to make ends meet in this sluggish economic recovery, Albany lawmakers should consider a full range of policies to create jobs and boost economic growth when the new legislative session begins in January. For the sake of New York's lowest-paid workers -- and for the countless businesses across the state whose sales are shrinking because too many consumers cannot afford basic expenses -- raising New York's minimum...

American Forum: Darius Ross, Raise minimum wage to lift economy in New Year

Op-Ed by Darius Ross
Distributed by American Forum, Dec. 27, 2012. Known placements include Detroit News, Trenton Times, Montgomery Advertiser (AL), Atlanta Inquirer, Madison Capital Times, Times & Democrat (SC), Durham Herald Sun (NC),  Asbury Park Press (NJ), La Prensa San Diego, Fall River Herald News (MA), North Dallas Gazette, many more

As a longtime businessman, I see a deficit in America that has received far too little attention. Thats the wage deficit experienced by growing numbers of Americans, with serious consequences for our economy.

On January 1, the minimum wage increases in Rhode Island...

Wall Street Journal: Wage debate takes the stage

By Melanie Trottman
Wall Street Journal, Dec 23, 2012

A dozen states and cities will raise their minimum wages on Jan. 1, and efforts are afoot in Congress and several state legislatures to push through increases next year, spurring fresh debate about whether such efforts would help or hurt the already sluggish economic recovery.

The minimum wage will increase in 10 states—including Florida, Ohio and Colorado—as well as San Francisco and Albuquerque, N.M., on Jan. 1. San Jose, Calif., will raise its minimum wage in March. Ten of the increases are inflation-related triggers, while the...

Inc.: Inside Obama's Meeting with Entrepreneurs

By Matthew Wong
Inc., Nov 29, 2012 

When entrepreneur and Inc. 30 Under 30 alum Nikhil Arora received an email from the White House last Thursday to attend a small business meeting, he didn’t know exactly what to expect or even who from the Obama administration would be present. …

When the group arrived at the Roosevelt Room in the White House, they took their seats across from President Obama and senior White House staff members. Then, after water was served, they got down to it. The group launched into a conversation that covered a cross-section of topics, including capital...

The Atlantic: Black Friday Special! Festival of Minimum-Wage Ideas

By James Fallows
The Atlantic, Nov 23, 2012 

... Just before Thanksgiving, following the observations of a Boston bartender, I published messages from several readers on the importance of raising the minimum wage. In real terms, the minimum wage has gone steadily down; these readers argued that keeping it even with inflation, or better yet moving it substantially ahead, would help lower-income Americans while not hurting the economy as a whole. 

Now some responses. ...

2) The words of Ron Unz. A very large number of readers pointed me to an essay in the American Conservative...

Gotham Gazette: Advocates Send Thanksgiving Message Calling For Hike In Minimum Wage

By David Howard King and Kamelia Kilawan
Gotham Gazette, Nov 20, 2012

NEW YORK — Earlier this week, at the Church of the Holy Apostles in Chelsea, about 50 people waited in line  with cafeteria trays to have an early Thanksgiving lunch consisting of an apple, hot sandwich and cider.

As they came to the end of the line, they were asked to sign a card appealing to New York State Senators to pass legislation to raise the minimum wage by $1.25 to $8.25.

It is unclear whether politicians will be listening to the message...

Common Dreams: NJ GOP's Failed Attempt to Block Minimum Wage Bill

Republicans cite storm as excuse to 'keep people down'

Common Dreams, Nov 20, 2012

New Jersey Republicans attempted to sideline a new proposal to raise the minimum wage to $8.50 from $7.25 an hour and provide annual cost-of-living increases.

The Budget Committee in the Democratically controlled House advanced the bill by a 7-6 vote, and the Senate is expected to deliver final approval next week, The Inquirer reports.

House GOP members cited the capacious storm recovery as a reason to wait on the bill, for fear the wage increase would add undue labor costs to...

Journal News: Melanie Beam, Minimum wage increase a priority

Op-Ed By Melanie Beam
Journal News and other papers, Nov 18, 2012
Distributed by American Forum 

After missing an opportunity earlier this year to pass an increase in New York’s minimum wage, the state Legislature is now expected to convene a special session in the coming weeks to consider a pay raise — for themselves.

As a business person and advocate for upstate local businesses, I cannot help but shake my head in disbelief. A minimum wage increase should take priority over a pay raise for legislators — not the other way around.

An increased...

Business Management Daily: Huh? Small biz owners call for minimum wage hike

By the HR Specialist: Compensation and Benefits
Business Management Daily, Nov 5, 2012

File this under “Unexpected.” A coalition of small business owners is calling on Congress to increase the federal minimum wage to $9.80 per hour, or $2.55 more than the current rate. The goal: to increase poor workers’ spending in hopes of stimulating the economy.

“At $7.25 an hour, the current minimum wage comes to just $15,080 a year for full-time work. Today’s minimum wage workers have far less buying power” than previous generations did, said a statement by a group called Business...

Investor Place: Costco Is More Than Low Prices

Its success stems from its focus on its customers -- and workers

By Will Ashworth
Investor Place, October 11, 2012

Discount retailer Costco announced its fiscal fourth-quarter earnings Oct. 10, the third quarterly report since the retirement of long-time CEO and co-founder Jim Sinegal. As is most often the case, Costco’s results were better than expected.

However, when we do go, we always notice (my wife has 20 years retail experience) how genuinely happy the employees are to be working there. Costco’s starting wage for those working on the floor is $11 per hour...

Bloomberg BusinessWeek: Small Biz Gets Plenty of Love, but Where's the Action?

By Peter S. Green
Bloomberg BusinessWeek, September 13, 2012

In election years, Democrats and Republicans talk about small businesses as the epitome of America’s can-do spirit and the foundation of the nation’s economy. President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have seen no reason to deviate from the script. But while they profess to have entrepreneurs’ best interests at heart, flattery is no sure route to winning their votes. One reason is that small business owners are not a monolithic interest group. …

Many policies, including those covering taxes, banking, health care, trade, and the environment, favor...

Forbes: Labor Day Networking: Five Campaigns to Raise the Minimum Wage

By Tom Watson
Forbes, September 3, 2012

On Labor Day 1978, I started my first minimum wage job, making $2.65 an hour at the local supermarket stocking shelves and bagging groceries, and driving a battered Buick Skylark to work after school that fall with Darkness on the Edge of Town in permanent residence on the 8-track. That $2.65 is worth roughly $9.31 today, if calculated against inflation – or more than two dollars above the Federally-mandated $7.25 minimum wage. ...

The last time the Federal minimum wage rose was in 2009, in the teeth of...