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Portland Press Herald: The law of supply and demand too corrupted to help U.S. wage earners

Op-Ed by John Buell
Portland Press Herald, June 26, 2014

SOUTHWEST HARBOR — ... Economists like to explain changes in salaries for baseball players, corporate CEOs and hedge fund managers by citing and validating “market forces” and supply and demand. ...

Wal-Mart wages are determined by supply and demand, but once again the question is who is shaping and gaining leverage in this market. Wal-Mart has its own version of the reserve clause. Through an aggressive competitive strategy, it has cornered the retail market – especially in many rural communities. Thus, it limits options in the...

Take Part: Will the Obama Kids Earn a Fair Wage?

As millions of low-wage workers—many of them in the food industry—wait for a federal minimum wage hike, cities and states are raising wages.

By Steve Holt
Take Part, June 25, 2014

...President Obama made a rather chaotic trip to Chipotle for lunch the other highlight the chain's pay practices-starting wages for line workers average $10.50 an hour ...

Malia and Sasha Obama's summer jobs appear to be wrapped up in the push for a higher federal minimum wage too, judging by comments Michelle Obama made in a recent interview with Parade. When asked whether she’d...

Oxfam America: Why these 10 business owners are eager to pay their employees more

10 employers, large and small, make the business case for raising the US minimum wage

By Mary Babic
Oxfam America, The Politics of Poverty blog, June 23, 2014

Maybe you’ve heard this one before: Raising the US minimum wage would harm our economy by placing too much of a burden on business owners, especially small-business owners. It sounds convincing. But it’s just not true.

In fact raising the wage is actually good for business, and for our economy. Increasing the federal minimum wage to $10.10 would pump $32 billion in additional income into the economy (creating...

Catholic News Service: Moral questions come into play in push for higher federal minimum wage

By Dennis Sadowski
Catholic News Service, 6/19/2014

America: The National Catholic Review, Boston Pilot, Catholic, Catholic Sentinel, Catholic Courier, The Message, more

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- While Congress has stalled on adopting an increase in the federal minimum wage, steps are being taken across the country to boost the income of low-wage workers. From Massachusetts and Vermont to Seattle and San Francisco, state legislators and city councils have either acted on or are negotiating minimum wage hikes. ...

Meanwhile, a new report from Oxfam America called for Congress to end the gridlock...

Nation's Restaurant News: Mass. House passes bill raising state minimum wage to $11

Hourly wage would be highest in nation if signed by Governor Deval Patrick

By Ron Ruggless
Nation's Restaurant News, June 18, 2014

The Massachusetts House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday that would raise the state’s $8 hourly minimum wage to $11 per hour by 2017. After brief debate, the House of Representatives approved the measure 124-24, following the Senate vote that approved the hike last week 35-4. The bill goes back to both chambers for a procedural vote before heading to Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick’s desk. ...

Holly Sklar, director of Boston-based Business for a Fair...

Sentinel & Enterprise: Quotable Quotes

Fitchburg Sentinel & Enterprise, 06/16/14

... "Massachusetts led the nation passing the first state minimum wage a century ago in June 1912, and with passage of an $11 state minimum wage ... will be leading the nation again with a wage floor that is good for business, good for customers and good for our economy."

- Holly Sklar, director of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage.

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Somerville News Weekly: Beacon Hill Roll Call

By Bob Katzen
Somerville News Weekly, June 14, 2014, Beacon Hill Roll Call Volume 39 -Report No. 24 June 9-13, 2014


“Massachusetts led the nation passing the first state minimum wage a century ago in June 1912, and with passage of an $11 state minimum wage … will be leading the nation again with a wage floor that is good for business, good for customers and good for our economy.”

Holly Sklar, Director of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage.

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Copyright 2014 Beacon Hill Roll Call

Fast Company: Who Benefits From A Minimum Wage Raise? Pretty Much Everyone

By Jessica Leber Fast Company, June 13, 2014

One in five workers would benefit from a higher minimum wage - but businesses could also see a boost

What is it like to live on minimum wage in America? It’s never been fun, but it’s getting harder and harder as costs of living rise around the nation. ... Oxfam’s breakdown by Congressional district show that, on average, one in five workers would benefit from an increased minimum wage, or 25 million people--nearly 14 million of whom are women. ...


Boston Herald: State senate OKs $11 minimum wage

By Jordan Graham and Matt Stout
Boston Herald, June 13, 2014

Top House and Senate negotiators struck a deal Wednesday to raise the current $8 per hour minimum wage to $11 per hour by 2017, and the Senate quickly passed it yesterday on a 35-4 vote. The bill does not include a Senate proposal that would have tied the hike to inflation. And it goes beyond a House proposal for a $10.50 per hour wage, without automatic increases for inflation. The House is expected to vote on the compromise bill next week. ...

Business for a...