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Business Owners Welcome Minimum Wage Increase

Raising minimum wage will help economy, say national business leaders and small business owners from states affected by July 24 increase

Contact: David Lerner, Riptide Communications, 212-260-5000, news [at]

July 21, 2009, Boston, MA – Business owners across the nation are welcoming the July 24 increase in the federal minimum wage from $6.55 to $7.25. National business leaders and small business owners in states where workers are getting a raise say the increase will boost consumer buying power and promote economic recovery.

Business Leaders Cheer Raise in Minimum Wage

Contrary to Conventional Wisdom, Growing Numbers of U.S. Businesses Say Increase in Minimum Wage is Good for the Bottom Line

Contact: Ateqah Khaki or David Lerner, Riptide Communications, 212.260.5000

Hundreds of Business Leaders Tell Congress to Raise Minimum Wage

For Immediate Release: January 19, 2007

Contact: Mahdis Keshavarz, Riptide Communications, 212-260-5000

Washington, DC -- Business owners and executives across the nation are telling Congress that a $5.15 minimum wage hurts business, workers and the economy. The House passed a clean bill to raise the minimum wage. Now, it's the Senate's turn.