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Passage of D.C. $15 Minimum Wage Will Boost Local Economy, Businesses

CONTACT: Erin Musgrave, 530-864-7014, OR Bob Keener, 617-610-6766,

Washington, D.C. June 7, 2016 — Passage today of a bill gradually raising Washington, D.C.’s minimum wage to $15 by 2020 will bolster the economy and local businesses. The bill, which will adjust the minimum wage for the cost of living beginning in 2021, will create a more stable, productive workforce and increase the consumer buying power businesses rely on to thrive and create jobs. D.C’s minimum wage, now $10.50, is currently scheduled to increase to $11.50 in July.

Business owners supportive of a $15 minimum wage spoke out in favor of the bill’s passage.

SBA’s Small Business Owners of the Year Call for Federal Minimum Wage Hike

Owners named by the U.S. Small Business Administration as Louisiana and Maine’s 2016 Small Business People of the Year call on lawmakers to increase federal minimum wage to at least $12 by 2020

CONTACT: Bob Keener, 617-610-6766, or Erin Musgrave, 530-864-7014,

Washington, D.C., May 4, 2016 —The business owners named by the U.S. Small Business Administration as Louisiana and Maine’s 2016 Small Business People of the Year are calling on lawmakers to increase the federal minimum wage to at least $12 by 2020.

Business Owners Tell Congress Raising the Wage Makes Economic Sense

Business owners from across the country testified before the House Democratic Caucus today about the benefits of raising the federal minimum wage

Washington, DC, April 27, 2016—Today business owners from diverse states and industries testified before Congress about how businesses and the economy will benefit...

New York Businesses Voice Support of $15 Minimum Wage Passing Today

​Greater New York Chamber of Commerce, Ben and Jerry’s, Small Business Owners Upstate and Downstate Say Raise Good for Business, Economy
Contact: Bob Keener,, 617-610-6766

NEW YORK, April 1, 2016 – Business leaders across New York are voicing support for the plan passing today to gradually raise the state’s current $9 minimum wage to $15 as good for business and the economy. Two of our nation’s highest cost of living states – New York and California – will be phasing in a $15 minimum wage. The Greater New York Chamber of Commerce, which represents more than 30,000 businesses, Ben and Jerry’s, Spectronics Corporation, Amalgamated Bank, IceStone, Ithacamade and the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York were among numerous business organizations and small business owners who provided testimony and advocated in favor of a $15 state minimum wage.

Businesses Applaud Gov. Wolf’s New Minimum Wage Executive Order and Call for Statewide PA Minimum Wage Increase

Contact: Bob Keener, 617-610-6766,

Harrisburg, PA, March 7, 2016. – Pennsylvania business owners joined Governor Tom Wolf as he signed an Executive Order establishing a minimum wage of $10.15 an hour for state employees under his jurisdiction as well as employees of state government contractors. Pennsylvania’s minimum wage, which has been set at $7.25 an hour since 2009, is lower than most other states, including all six of Pennsylvania’s neighbors.

Business Owners Call for Minimum Wage Raise As Federal Minimum Stuck Below 1950 Labor Day Buying Power

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 2, 2015
CONTACT: Bob Keener,, 617-610-6766

Business owners and executives across America are calling for an increase in the federal minimum wage, which has been stuck at $7.25 – just $15,080 a year – since 2009. This Labor Day, the federal minimum wage will be worth less than it was on Labor Day 1950 when the minimum wage was $7.43, adjusted for inflation. It will have one-third less buying power than the minimum wage of 1968 ($10.97 in 2015 dollars).