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Crain's Chicago Business: Biz group pushes for higher minimum wage

By Greg Hinz
Crain's Chicago Business, June 21, 2017

Much of the state's business community is vehemently opposed to a bill now on its way to Gov. Bruce Rauner that would hike the state's minimum wage to $15 by 2022. But some firms are all in favor, and they're revving up a campaign to get Rauner to go along.

In a conference call today, owners of three Illinois companies, all in the consumer field where cost-cutting is particularly important, say they've learned that there are distinct advantages to them and their customers to keeping labor happy.


Eater: &pizza CEO Dissects Expansion Plans, Winning Strategies at MCON

By Tierney Plumb
Eater, June 6, 2017

Michael Lastoria, co-founder and CEO of burgeoning chain &pizza, provided attendees at the sold-out MCON, a millennial conference about social movements, on Tuesday with a break down of where his homegrown restaurant is headed — highlighting how he’s already beating some major players in the fast-casual food scene. The crash course in pizzanomics took place at MCON, the socio-political gathering that drew about 1,000 to the Newseum this week ... In true millennial fashion, here are some quick-hit business stats Lasotoria shared on June 6. ...

Soon to hit 24. The NoMad store...

FOX Illinois: Local Businesses Prepare for Potential Wage Increase

By Cymphanie Sherman
Fox Illinois, May 31, 2017

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WRSP) — A bill which would raise minimum wage in the state of Illinois passed the House on Tuesday. It proposes raising the current minimum wage from $8.25 to $15 an hour.

One local business Café Moxo is already paying their employees $15. “We felt it was necessary for our employees to earn a little more of a wage than they could earn some other places here in Springfield,” explained Mark Forinash, the owner of Café Moxo. ...

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Capitol Fax (Illinois): It's Just a Bill

Capitol Fax, May 30, 2017

... Members of Business for a Fair Minimum Wage representing a range of industries across Illinois commented in support of raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2022.

Dan Sherry, Owner, Kennedy’s Creative Awards, Waukegan: “Gradually raising Illinois’ minimum wage to $15 is the smart thing to do for our state, our businesses and our people. We start our employees now at $12 an hour and treat them well in order to retain quality staff. And it works. Our staff turnover is low, which results in fantastic customer service and...

Nevada Independent: Peter Frigeri: Sandoval must give Nevada workers a raise

Op-Ed By Peter Frigeri
Nevada Independent, May 25, 2017

As Nevada’s legislative session winds down, lawmakers are trying to send to Gov. Brian Sandoval’s desk several progressive economic measures including an increase in the minimum wage to $12 an hour and new equal pay protections for working women. With polls showing strong public support for higher wages, Gov. Sandoval may soon get to show the voters which side he’s on: whether he stands with struggling working Nevadans – or with special interests who don’t want to have to pay their workers a penny more.


The Penny Hoarder: Costco was just named the best place to work in America - Here’s why

By Grace Schweizer
The Penny Hoarder, May 11, 2017. Also AOL Finance

If you’re looking for a job, you might want to take your resume over to your nearest Costco. Why? Well, the popular warehouse giant was just named America’s Best Employer of 2017 (plus, it’s one of those companies that seems to be constantly hiring).

Better Than Google?!

Forbes, in conjunction with Statista, asked 30,000 employees from large companies across the U.S. this important question: On a scale of 1-10, how likely would you be to recommend your employer to a friend or family member? They...

Chicago Tribune: Tim Frick: Raise Minimum Wage

Letter to the Editor By Tim Frick
Chicago Tribune, May 3, 2017

Your editorial “Stifling growth in Illinois: Next step, raise the minimum wage higher than every border state’s” assumes business owners are opposed to a higher wage floor. Well, I’m a business owner, and I believe raising Illinois’ minimum wage to $15 by 2022 is smart business and smart policy to jump-start our economy now and strengthen it for the long term.

Businesses create more jobs when customers have more money to spend. Workers at one business are customers at another. We can’t grow...

PMQ Pizza Magazine: Founder of &pizza Calls For Increase to Minimum Wage

Michael Lastoria: Restaurant chains hurt themselves by supporting current wage model

PMQ Pizza Magazine, April 2017

Michael Lastoria, founder of the hip and stylish &pizza chain, has taken a stand that won’t endear him to many of his fellow restaurant chain operators: He’s arguing for a higher national minimum wage. ... Lastoria believes higher wages boost employee retention and loyalty, saving money over the long term and reducing the need to constantly retrain new workers.

​Lastoria, who came to pizzeria management from a background in marketing and media services, told PMQ last year that the...

Business Insider: Meet the CEO of an up-and-coming pizza chain who is actually fighting to raise the minimum wage

By Kate Taylor
Business Insider, April 20, 2017

While most fast-food companies are fighting to keep minimum wages low, one pizza chain's founder is going in the opposite direction. &pizza, a Washington, DC-based chain with 21 locations, is fighting for a $15 minimum wage — not only for the fast-casual pizza chain's own employees, but for all Americans.

"We've been on the forefront as one of the few restaurant chains that has put a stake in the ground and said that this is really important for us," CEO Michael Lastoria told Business Insider. "I think change...

King TV: Fair wages contribute to 50 years of success, says CEO

King5 TV (Seattle)
By Danielle Leigh, April 18, 2017

Earth Friendly Products, which has a location in Lacey, celebrated 50 years in business on Tuesday.

The manufacturing company is the maker of ECOS, a line of eco-friendly cleaning products, which has been recognized by the EPA. The company started in Illinois in 1967 but expanded to Washington in 2010, largely to meet the growing demand for green cleaning products in the Northwest and Canada.

During Tuesday's 50th anniversary celebration, the company's CEO, Kelly Vlahakis-Hanks, said a big factor in the company's success is how it...

Daily Record: Menendez honors ‘50 years of green’ for Parsippany business

By Michael Izzo
Daily Record (NJ), April 13, 2017

PARSIPPANY – An environmentally conscious business celebrated its “50 years of green” in the township Thursday, with Senator Robert Menendez stopping by the facility to address employees. Menendez (D-NJ) congratulated Earth Friendly Products, known for its ECOS line of products, on its 50th anniversary in Parsippany. ... What began as a passion project in a garage is now a global industry leader in 60 worldwide markets, embracing higher standards without charging higher prices, Menendez said. ...

State Senator Joseph Pennacchio (R-26) also congratulated the company on its anniversary.

Journal Tribune (ME): Charlie Crystle: Why It Pays to Be Good

Op-Ed By Charlie Crystle
Journal Tribune (ME), March 31, 2017 (Ran earlier in PA papers)

At the Lancaster Food Co. in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, our tagline is "Eat Better. For Good."

It's the "For Good" part I've been thinking a lot about lately as this caustic election year has come to an end.

Among voters, there is great support for raising the minimum wage across the political spectrum. Pennsylvania, and the federal government for that matter, both need to get with the times. A minimum wage of $7.25 an hour keeps people in poverty, and that's not...

ABC2 News Baltimore: Mayor vetoes to minimum wage bill proposed by city council

By Dakarai Turner
ABC2 News Baltimore, March 24, 2017

BALTIMORE - Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh announced she would veto a bill that would set the city's minimum wage at $15 an hour.

It wasn't well received at Baltimore Bicycle Works, where co-owner Josh Keogh said employees already make above the current state minimum wage. Keogh believes an increased wage would lead to increased profits as more people have money to spend.

"People don't have enough money to sustain themselves, and that's a crisis in the city," Keogh said. ...

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Baltimore Sun: Advocates call on Mayor Pugh to sign $15 minimum wage bill

By Lorraine Mirabella
Baltimore Sun, March 23, 2017

Supporters of Baltimore's $15 per hour minimum wage bill called on Mayor Catherine Pugh to deliver on her promise to support the higher wage ...

Josh Keogh, one of the owners of Baltimore Bicycle Works, said he believes his customers and future customers who get raises will have more money to spend at his Station North shop, which sells and repairs bicycles and accessories.

"It would be giving people who work in Baltimore something closer to a fair wage," Keogh said.

Because he employs fewer than 50 people —...