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CNBC: Worker wage hike

By Mark Koba, Senior Editor
CNBC, Feb 12, 2014

After eight years of working for $9 an hour at the Pentagon Courtyard cafe, Jerome Hardy will likely get a raise. That's because President Obama is signing an executive order Wednesday raising the hourly minimum wage for federally contracted workers to $10.10. ... "This will definitely help me out financially," said the 52-year-old Hardy, who works as a chef and lives with his parents near Capitol Hill. "I live paycheck to paycheck, and It's been hard to survive on $9 an hour." ...

The executive order to raise...

Fox News Latino: Obama To Sign Controversial Order Raising Minimum Wage To $10.10 For Federal Contract Workers

Fox News Latino, Feb 12, 2014

President Barack Obama is raising the minimum wage for federal contractors from $7.25 to $10.10. ... Obama is also calling on Congress to pass Democratic legislation to raise wages for all workers to $10.10. ...

There has been fierce disagreement over the effects of the hike. An increase would certainly be welcome among Hispanics workers, who earn the minimum wage or below in disproportionate numbers. ...

But when California Governor Jerry Brown signed into law a $2 per hour hike in the state’s minimum wage last September, a number of...

WBUR/NPR Here & Now: US Labor Secretary Pushes For Higher Minimum Wage

Robin Young
WBUR/NPR, Here & Now, Feb 12, 2014

President Obama is signing an executive order today that will raise the minimum wage for workers under new federal contracts. ... Labor Secretary Thomas Perez has been called the President's ambassador on raising the minimum wage .... He was supposed to be in Cambridge, MA today to visit the store Cambridge Naturals but today's executive order signing keeps him in Washington …

Perez: "And the small business owners that I've spoken to including people in Cambridge and elsewhere have said when you pay your workers a fair...

The Sentinel: Governor O’Malley speaks on proposed wage increase

By Holden Wilen
Montgomery County Sentinel, February 12, 2014

ANNAPOLIS – ... There were plenty of voices who both supported and opposed the minimum wage increase with Maryland officials, business owners, and residents lined up to testify about the proposal at a House of Delegates committee hearing Tuesday. ...

Amanda Rothschild, owner of Charmington’s Café in Baltimore, was one of several business owners to support the bill. Lower turnover and higher employee loyalty, she said, helps her business bring in more money.

“A higher minimum wage benefits my business and our local economy. Raising and indexing the...

WBAL News: More Than 100 People Testify On [MD] Minimum Wage Bills

By Robert Lang and Associated Press
WBAL News, Maryland, Feb 11, 2014

... Gov. Martin O'Malley told a House committee Tuesday that a higher minimum wage would strengthen the middle class and cause economic growth. He noted that past minimum wage increases have benefited the economy. "When we raised the minimum wage...there was no cataclysmic repercussions where McDonald's and Wal-Mart shuttered their doors and moved to Virginia," O'Malley told lawmakers. ...

Amanda Rothschild, who owns Charmington's Cafe in Charles Village in Baltimore City testified in favor of the bill, noting it creates a more stable work force...

Capital News Service: Minimum wage hike debated before Maryland lawmakers

By Megan Brockett
Capital News Service, Feb 11, 2014

Business owners, low-wage workers, economists and community leaders crowded into an overflowing House committee room Tuesday to offer testimony alongside Gov. Martin O’Malley on a handful of proposals seeking to change Maryland’s minimum wage. ... More than 100 witnesses signed up to testify both in support and opposition of a minimum wage increase, lining the walls of the committee room early on and trickling into an overflow room set up down the hall. ...

Other supporters, like Charmington’s Cafe owner Amanda Rothschild, said that a minimum wage...

Huffington Post: Obama's Ambassador For Raising The Minimum Wage Makes His Case For $10.10

By Dave Jamieson
Huffington Post, Feb 11, 2014

WASHINGTON -- On a recent afternoon, Labor Secretary Thomas E. Perez found himself getting a five-minute tutorial in paint-mixing at an Ace Hardware store in downtown Washington, D.C. The crash course wasn't for any personal home-improvement purposes. Now seven months into his post, Perez is playing the role of ambassador for a raise to the federal minimum wage ... "How did I do?" Perez asked his tutor, Christina Amaya, as he pulled a quart of purple paint out of the mixer.

Amaya earns $13 per hour as an...

Mint Press News: MintPress Study: Minimum Wage Question May Be A Matter Of Image, Not Choice

By Frederick Reese
Mint Press News, February 10, 2014 

… Per the Huffington Post, half of Wal-Mart’s hourly associates in the U.S. make less than $10 per hour, with most who make more having been noted for extraordinary service.

“I pay low wages. I can take advantage of that. We’re going to be successful, but the basis is a very low-wage, low-benefit model of employment,” Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart once said. ...

MintPress conducted a study in an attempt to find evidence that would support a base increase in salary for the nation’s...

Guilford Gazette : Ben Cardin Visits Guilford; Supports Higher Minimum Wage

By Ricardo Whitaker
Guilford Gazette (MD), 2/5/2014 

GUILFORD, MD - Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) is in favor of raising the federal minimum wage. In a small business forum held this week at British American Auto Care on Berger Road in [Columbia], MD, Mr. Cardin met with Brian England, the owner of British American, and other small business owners to discuss his support for a higher minimum wage. ...

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New York Times: As Minimum Wages Rise, Businesses Grapple With Consequences

By Stacy Perman
New York Times, Feb 5, 2014

... there are also business owners who support the increases. These owners suggest that businesses actually benefit from paying higher wages because of reduced turnover and the additional money that goes into local economies.

Amanda Rothschild, co-owner of Charmington’s, a cafe in Baltimore, calls the arguments against raising the minimum “shortsighted.” Since opening in 2010, the cafe has paid new hires $8 an hour, more than the current $7.25 minimum (they also earn tips).

“I think those against increases underestimate how business success is tied to employee...

Wall St Cheat Sheet: Obama, Business and Minimum Wage: Is It Time For a Raise?

By Dan Ritter
Wall St. Cheat Sheet, Feb 4, 2014

America may have one of the strongest economies in the world, but it is still highly dysfunctional. Those who participate in it know that it is easy to become trapped by debt, that it is easy to become stuck in a low-paying job with stagnant wages, and that it is easy to become a pessimist about personal financial situations and the economic outlook at large. ...

How to address this problem has been the subject of an enormous amount of debate.... Because of the stagnant...

Baton Rouge Advocate: Minimum wage hike would be big step in La.

By Ted Griggs and Timothy Boone
Baton Rouge Advocate, February 3, 2014

Lifting federal contract workers’ minimum wage to $10.10 per hour, as President Barack Obama proposes, isn’t expected to affect contractors very much, but extending that pay to workers across the board would be big, especially in Louisiana where a high percentage of workers make minimum wage or less. Hundreds of thousands of Louisiana residents will benefit and that could boost the state’s tax revenue, said Jan Moller, director of Louisiana Budget Project. ...

Sarah Covert, who owns Sarah the Pet Sitter in New Orleans, said...

Wall Street Journal: How Would Raising Minimum Wage Affect Small Business?

Wall Street Journal, Feb 3, 2014

With the minimum wage shaping up to be one of the hottest issues to watch in 2014, The Wall Street Journal’s Damian Paletta discusses the issue with a group of entrepreneurs and economic experts in this recent, live Q&A.

Panelists include Gina Schaefer, owner of “A Few Cool Hardware Stores,"  David Neumark, professor of economics at the University of California, Irvine; John Schmitt, senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research; and Casey Lakey, owner and general manager of Trainer’s Club gym.

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ABC News (Chicago): Sen. Durbin backs Illinois minimum wage raise

ABC News, WLS-TV Chicago, February 2, 2014

Illinois Senator Dick Durbin says it's time for the state and the country to have a "serious discussion" about raising the minimum wage. ... He was joined by minimum wage employees and a Chicago-area business owner who explained why he thinks he's able to retain employees.

"Our defacto minimum wage right now is $10 an hour, and we're talking about getting that up to $11.50 because we recognize how important it is that when people come to work they feel part of the community that we're talking about, they feel...