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Wall Street Journal: Obama’s Minimum Wage Order: How Much Impact?

State of the Union
By Michael R. Crittenden and Eric Morath
Wall Street Journal, Washington Wire, Jan 28, 2014

Republican lawmakers challenged President Barack Obama’s plan to raise the minimum wage for employees of federal contractors, suggesting it would have little impact on workers and could exacerbate partisan gridlock. Democrats were quick to celebrate the move, to be announced during Tuesday night’s State of the Union address. It would raise the minimum wage for workers on new federal contracts to $10.10 an hour. ...

“These jobs include food service workers in federal buildings, people doing laundry...

PayScale News: Who Wants to Raise the Minimum Wage? The Answer May Surprise You

By Leah Arnold-Smeets
PayScale, Jan 28, 2014

... Small business owners are in favor of raising minimum wage because it will put “more money in the pockets of those in their communities,” according to an interview by Secretary Tom Perez for the US Department of Labor. One of those small business owners is Amanda Rothschild who owns a small café in Baltimore, and she justifies the wage increase.

“Our training costs would be significantly higher if we paid lower wages and we had the kind of turnover that you typically see in a restaurant,” she explains...

Kansas City Star: Minimum wage boost for workers on federal contract jobs could aid others

By Diane Stafford
Kansas City Star, Jan 28, 2014

... Just hours before his annual State of the Union address, in which he once again called on Congress to raise the $7.25-an-hour federal minimum wage for all workers, [President] Obama exercised his presidential ability to set a higher minimum wage for federally contracted employees. The order affects a small number of such workers — probably fewer than half a million low-paid workers such as food service, laundry and janitorial workers nationwide. ...

The order doesn’t include the federal government’s own workers and won’t take effect until...

CBS Money Watch: Support for raising minimum wage found in surprising places

By Constantine Von Hoffman
CBS Money Watch, Jan 28, 2014

... A December Washington Post poll found two-thirds of Americans support raising the minimum wage, while a recent Gallup poll showed 76 percent in favor. While it may not be a surprise that 85 percent of Democrats support such a move, half of all Republican’s and 65 percent of independents also support such a move, according to the Post poll. ...

Among the interests opposing a rise in the minimum wage are a number of business groups that historically have lobbied against pay hikes, including the...

MLive Media (MI): Zingerman's owner travels to Washington D.C. for increased minimum wage

By Jeremy Allen
MLive Media Group, Jan 27, 2014

Paul Saginaw, the co-owner of Zingerman’s Delicatessen ... joined business owners from Colorado, New York, Maryland and Washington, D.C., to lobby U.S. Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez. The business owners talked about the positive impacts of paying employees a higher wage than the government minimum of $7.25 per hour.

“We’ve grown since opening Zingerman’s Delicatessen almost 32 years ago to eight businesses in Ann Arbor employing 625 permanent staff with revenues just under $50 million dollars,” Saginaw said in a Jan. 23 roundtable discussion with the...

US News & World Report: The Republican Case for a Minimum Wage Increase

There are several conservative reasons for supporting a minimum wage hike

By Carrie Wofford
US News & World Report, Jan. 27, 2014
Tuesday night, in his State of the Union address, the president will raise the problem of wealth inequality in America and how to ensure America is still a land of opportunity, with the possibility of a middle-class American Dream open to all. This will likely include the need for a minimum wage increase. ... More families who were formerly middle class are moving into low-paid service jobs.

... The minimum wage...

Bloomberg: Minimum Wage Messaging Change: ‘Entry-Level’ Pay for Basics

By Lorraine Woellert
Bloomberg News, Jan 24, 2014

... If you can’t win on the merits, change the messaging, says Leo Hindery, founder of InterMedia Partners LP, a private equity fund in New York. As Obama prepares for his next annual address on Tuesday, he should abandon the phrase “minimum wage” and instead press lawmakers to approve a higher “entry-level wage” that would allow all U.S. workers to afford basics such as food and shelter, Hindery says. ...

Hindery and other corporate execs made the case for a higher minimum at a meeting yesterday with Labor...

US Sec. of Labor Tom Perez: Good for Workers, Good for Business

By Secretary of Labor Tom Perez
US Department of Labor, Work in Progress Blog, January 23, 2014

[US Labor Secretary holds roundtable with Business for a Fair Minimum Wage members]

... Today I had the chance to hear from twenty men and women who run businesses, including many who own small businesses. They’ll be directly affected by any increase in the minimum wage. I learned it’s not just workers who support a federal increase; What I heard from these business owners is that raising the wage would help their businesses, too, by putting more money...

Pittsburgh Tribune Review: Debate rages over whether to hike minimum wage

By John D. Oravecz
Pittsburgh Tribune Review, Jan. 21, 2014

... Businesses paying the minimum wage and their workers continue to be at the center of a longstanding debate. ...

... Other small business owners, such as Scott Smith at East End Brewery Co. in Larimer, are advocates for paying what they see as a fair wage. Smith has six fulltime and three parttime workers and produced 4,000 barrels of beer last year, up from 2,500 in 2012. “I have a hard time paying a pittance; that's disrespectful to our guys,” he said. “Our entry jobs...

District Chronicles: Gov. O’Malley pledges to raise minimum wage

District Chronicles (MD), Jan 20, 2014

ANNAPOLIS – Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and Lt. Gov. Anthony G. Brown pledged to raise the state’s minimum wage to $10.10 by 2016 and index it to inflation thereafter at a rally before hundreds of minimum wage supporters as well as elected officials, faith leaders, low-wage workers and business owners in Annapolis. ...

National polls show that 67 percent of small business owners support increasing the federal minimum wage and adjusting it yearly to keep pace with the cost of living. The most rigorous studies of the impact of...

Associated Press: Small business agenda stretches past minimum wage

By Joyce M. Rosenberg
Associated Press (AP), Jan 15, 2014

NEW YORK (AP) ... The minimum wage will be debated across the country. In 2013, bills to raise the minimum wage were introduced in more than 30 states and Washington, D.C. Lawmakers in four states including California, Connecticut, New York and Rhode Island approved increases.

States where a minimum-wage hike has the best chance of approval include Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota ... according to Holly Sklar, director of the advocacy group Business for a Fair Minimum Wage. But states whose neighbors have higher minimums may...

Baltimore Sun: O'Malley backs $10.10 minimum wage; says workers, economy would benefit

By Timothy B. Wheeler
Baltimore Sun, January 14, 2014

Gov. Martin O'Malley announced Tuesday that he will push for raising the minimum wage in Maryland to $10.10 an hour over the next two years, with automatic increases after that to keep pace with inflation. O'Malley appeared at an evening rally outside the State House, which drew hundreds of union members, clergy, business owners and others who support a higher minimum wage. ...

Raising the minimum wage is expected to be one of the most significant issues to be debated in Annapolis this legislative session. The...

ABC 7/WJLA TV (MD): O'Malley kicks off minimum wage rally

By Roz Plater
ABC 7/WJLA TV Maryland, Jan 14, 2014

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJLA) In Annapolis, Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley is kicking off a campaign to raise the statewide minimum wage. On Tuesday, advocates of the hike rallied lawmakers on their own turf in order to benefit workers like Cassandra King -- a single mom and hotel worker. "After I pay the have no money left over," she says. ...

"It's not a job killer, it doesn't hurt my business, it helps my business tremendously... I don't lose people because they found a better job...

Taunton Daily Gazette: Dean Cycon, Raising Mass. minimum wage makes good business sense

Op-Ed By Dean Cycon
Taunton Daily Gazette, January 13. 2014

We've all heard the arguments against raising the minimum wage: It's bad for business and will result in higher unemployment.

I'm in the coffee business, and those arguments don't amount to a hill of beans.

Let's start with the idea that paying people more than the current minimum hourly wage of $8 in Massachusetts is bad for business. On the contrary. Most successful, thriving businesses, including mine, pay well above $8. The entry-level starting wage at Dean's Beans is $12 per hour. We raise employees...