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Baltimore Sun: Maryland's minimum wage increase would affect workers, business owners

By Jean Marbella
The Baltimore Sun, January 11, 2014

... Whether Maryland should raise its minimum wage above the current federal floor of $7.25 an hour is an issue that promises to dominate the legislative session that began last week in Annapolis — and have major implications for employers and employees alike. ...

Raise Maryland's proposal would gradually increase the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour by 2016, and would increase the rate for tipped workers to 70 percent of that. The group will hold a rally to launch its legislative battle on Tuesday on...

Carroll County Times (MD): Potential minimum wage increase leads to mixed reactions

By Kelcie Pegher
Carroll County Times, January 5, 2014

Politicians in Maryland ready for the January legislative session are preparing for one fight in particular: the battle over whether to raise the minimum wage.

While the minimum wage has remained at $7.25 per hour since 2009, support is growing for a higher minimum wage. In Maryland, two counties voted to bring the minimum wage up to $11.50 per hour by 2017.

It’s easy to think of how difficult raising the minimum wage would be for one business, said Richard Torgerson, a registered principal for...

Boston Herald: Op-Ed, Businesses back min-wage hike

Op-Ed by Tom Dretler and Kip Hollister
Boston Herald, Dec 28, 2013

For the future of Massachusetts, the move by state Senate President Therese Murray (D-Plymouth) to hike the minimum wage to $11 per hour comes not a moment too soon.

As business executives and owners, we are sensitive to every factor that influences our ability to grow our businesses. No matter what some may claim, it’s horrifically shortsighted, as well as bad for business, to pay for work at a minimum wage that is far too low. When society sets the minimum price of...

American Forum: Op-Ed, Camille Moran, We can't build a strong economy on a weak base

Op-Ed By Camille Moran
Distributed by American Forum, Dec 17, 2013. Battle Creek Enquirer, Charlotte Business Journal, The Tennessean, Jackson Clarion Ledger, Fall River Herald News (MA), Scranton Times Tribune, Illinois Times, New Jersey Today, Reno Gazette Journal, many more

Let’s bring the spirit of Christmas to Congress. The last time the minimum wage went up was in 2009, and, as the owner of a Christmas tree farm and other businesses, I think it’s time for another raise.

Today’s $7.25 an hour minimum wage befits Scrooge — before he saw the error of his...

New York Times: Supersize My Wage

By Annie Lowrey
New York Times, December 17, 2013

About 20 years ago, in the midst of a recession, New Jersey decided to boost its minimum wage to $5.05 an hour from $4.25. Its neighbor to the west, Pennsylvania, chose not to tinker with its wage floor. Two bright young economists at Princeton, David Card and Alan B. Krueger, recognized in that dull occurrence a promising natural experiment. The two found fast-food joints along the New Jersey-Pennsylvania border, and surveyed them twice over the course of 11 months about how many people they employed. They...

The Hill: David Bolotsky, A business owner’s case for raising the minimum wage

Op-Ed in The Hill by David Bolotsky, Founder and CEO of UncommonGoods in Brooklyn, NY

"What if we could create a program that would strengthen our tax base, make government spending more fiscally responsible and provide a powerful financial incentive to low-income workers? ... It already exists and dates back to 1938 – the minimum wage."

Wall Street Journal: Businesses Stung by $15-an-Hour Pay

By Sarah E. Needleman and Daniel Lippman
Wall Street Journal, Dec. 12, 2013

... Officials in SeaTac, which is 10 square miles nestled between Seattle and Tacoma and consists of an airport and its surroundings, confirmed this month that it will raise the minimum wage for many workers to $15 an hour starting in January. ... Elsewhere in Washington state, employers already pay $9.19 an hour, the highest state minimum wage in the country, and that amount will rise 13 cents next month. In January, Oregon's hourly minimum will climb to $9.10, New York's to $8 and...

Boston Globe: Small business owner argues for raising minimum wage

Letter to the Editor by Joseph Rotella
Boston Globe, Dec 5, 2013

As a small-business owner with around 10 employees, I am working hard every day to survive in the current economic climate. Yet I strongly support raising the minimum wage precisely because our economy should be about making sure every available job pays a livable wage. It should not be about large corporations being concerned only with their bottom line.

Providing goods and services and making a profit, while still providing for the welfare of employees, is how I operate, and it should be...

Entrepreneur: Business owners divided on minimum wage

By Kate Taylor
Entrepreneur, Dec 3, 2013. Also Reuters, other outlets

... Business owners in general are divided on raising the minimum wage. A November Gallup poll found that small-business owners were split nearly 50-50 on raising the minimum wage to $9.50 an hour from the current $7.25. ...

For franchise owners, there's a fine line between what they might like to pay their employees and what they realistically can pay without damaging profits. At the same time, they have to pay competitively enough so that they aren't constantly wasting money hiring and training employees...

Worcester Business Journal: Op-Ed: Dean Cycon, Raising Mass. Minimum Wage Makes Sense For Business

By Dean Cycon
Special to the Worcester Business Journal, Nov 25, 2013 

We've all heard the arguments against raising the minimum wage: It's bad for business and will result in higher unemployment.

I'm in the coffee business, and those arguments don't amount to a hill of beans.

Let's start with the idea that paying people more than the current minimum hourly wage of $8 in Massachusetts is bad for business. On the contrary. Most successful, thriving businesses, including mine, pay well above $8. The entry-level starting wage at Dean's Beans is $12 per hour. We...

Bloomberg Businessweek: Why Small Business Is Divided Over Hiking the Minimum Wage

By Patrick Clark
Bloomberg Business Week, Nov 21, 2013

... Almost half of small business owners support a hike [in the minimum wage], according to a new survey of about 600 owners published today by Wells Fargo (WFC) and Gallup.

Among the findings: Forty-seven percent of respondents, most of whom generate less than $2 million in annual revenue, said they would approve of a law setting the minimum wage at $9.50....

After President Obama proposed raising the minimum wage to $9 from its current $7.25 by 2015, we reported on the increasing support for a...

Worcester Telegram (MA): State Senate to act on minimum wage bill today

By John J. Monahan
Worcester Telegram & Gazette, Nov 19, 2013

BOSTON — The state Senate is set to act Tuesday on raising the minimum wage to $11 by 2016, but if that bill is not adopted, a referendum for the November 2014 ballot for an increase in the minimum wage could make its way to the ballot. ...

Some businesses, however, told lawmakers Monday they support the increase. Joseph Rotella of Spencer Organ Co. in Waltham said the current wage is outdated and that when the minimum wage does not cover workers' necessities, it hurts...

Triple Pundit: Op-Ed: The Argument for Increasing the Minimum Wage

Op-Ed By David Bolotsky
Triple Pundit, Policy Points, Nov 12, 2013

... We employ hundreds of entry-level customer service and warehouse workers at Uncommon Goods. And I’m in favor of government making it mandatory for businesses like mine to pay them a wage they can live on.  Unfortunately, today’s $7.25 minimum wage is worth a third less than the minimum wage of 1968 – 45 years ago.

As a business owner, I have to deal with annual price increases in rent, utility bills and supplies. Our workers also face higher costs for their necessities, and should...

Forbes: Op-Ed: Minimum Wage Alchemy

Op-Ed By George Leef
Forbes, Nov 11, 2013

... Among the organizations pushing for an increase in the minimum wage is one called Business for a Fair Minimum Wage. The business people behind it say that raising the minimum would be highly beneficial, with little or no cost.

Those people could immediately lead by example and raise the compensation of any or all of their own workers (including those who already earn more than their proposed minimum) if they really believe doing so would be beneficial. Maybe it would be —  in their own firms. But...

Bill Knight Blog: Minimum wage and me. And you.

By Bill Knight
Column, Nov 7, 2013

Like most Americans, I’ve worked minimum-wage jobs. As an adolescent and a young adult, I worked on a farm, in a grocery store, and for a carpenter, and co-workers weren’t all teens. A grouchy guy in his 40s who smoked unfiltered Camels and swung a hammer like it was a Stradivarius pounded nails alongside me; a single mom was head cashier, knew the supermarket better than the boss, and mothered bag boys as well as ran the register.... [T]he following seven facts about the minimum wage show that...